The Wife (2018)

When I read that Glenn Close has won the Golden Globe for Best Actress, beating favourite Lady Gaga, I was quite upset. The name Glenn Close conjured image of a has been actress (or worst, a never was) who hasn't had a hit movie for as long as I can remember. How could she win the Best Actress award for a movie simply called The Wife? How could she have taken the limelight and opportunity from Lady Gaga who was so great in A Star Is Born?

Well I finally gave The Wife a watch recently, and all I can say is that Glenn Close was a revelation in this simple yet powerful movie. I dare say that her performance of a long suffering wife of a successful Nobel Prize winner for Literature (Jonathan Pryce looking quite dashing and different from The High Sparrow in Game of Thrones) is quite an achievement as she effortlessly makes her character so real. In comparison, Lady Gaga’s Ally in A Star Is Born looks positively theatrical and overboard with her larger than life character.

The Wife is all dialouge and acting. Almost like watching a play on stage as the various main characters have their scenes and drive the story along in a most engaging way. What a great watch! My predictions come Oscar night on February 25 is for Ms Close to come prepared with a knock out gown and acceptance speech. 


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