Avengers: End Game (2019)

The biggest movie of the moment is without doubt Avengers: Endgame. All the hype, and incredible exposure in all the multiplexes is merely feeding into the public's imagination and generating even more interest. With the excellent Avengers: Infinity War to follow up, this finale to the Marvel story would surely be great. Look at all the positive reviews and audience reactions! Expectations are hence sky high for this one.

Sadly, I have to say I was disappointed with Endgame. Firstly, I think its 3 hours runtime was unnecessarily long and unjustified. The boring first act with all the sobbing and crying could have been cut short considerably without impacting the film. The second act which pays tribute to the earlier movies could have been better served with more logic. And the third and final act with its big battle scene was just a bunch of people charging at each other with no battle strategy. It is even less satisfying than the Battle of Winterfell in Game of Thrones! At least that war with the white walkers had some gripping moments involving its key characters, and a tight running time. Where Infinity War succeeded in how it effectively engaged all the many characters in a meaningful way, Endgames had many of its characters back just for laughs, or just posing as part of the backdrop. At the end, one could care less who survived or who didn't. Perhaps Thanos was right all along, the world would probably be a better place with half the Avengers gone.

Captain Marvel was also a joke! She conveniently appears and disappears (something about having to manage her time saving other planets who do not have the benefit of their our Avengers team) to save the day! I am glad I did not waste my time watching The Captain Marvel movie.

So, sadly, my verdict on Endgame is that it failed to deliver what it promised and that you shall probably be disappointed.

This Chinese Poster for Avengers: Endgame is Grrrrreat!! It manages to include all almost everyone together in one poster, treating the "dead" and surviving members of the team differently. If only the movie was as inspiring as this poster ......


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