The Shining (1980) 4K Remastered Edition

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Stanley Kubrick's The Shining was recently remastered and given the 4K treatment. What better reason that to revisit this masterpiece! Watching this again in all its glory with the remarkable clarity in both picture and sound really makes it feel like I was watching this for the first time. Despite it being made almost 40 years ago, the movie has aged well and truly can withstand the test of time. How refreshing it was also to see a horror movie that does not rely heavily on special CGI effects or jump scares. Instead what we have is mesmerising performances all round and unique camera angles and direction that makes you captivated the movie from its opening frame right up to the end. Not many directors can pull off long scenes of dialogue with nary a camera edit, which served to tell the story and background information in a natural and unassuming manner. Today's movie makers will often be very impatient and will seldom opt for lengthy dialogue scenes for fear of losing the audience.

In anticipation of the forthcoming release of Doctor Sleep in November this year, which is Stephen King's sequel to The Shining, a revisit to the haunted Overlook Hotel is a must. Jack Nicholson gave one of his best performance in his illustrious career as Jack Torrance, the caretaker of the hotel who undergoes a dramatic change from a responsible family man, to a sinister deranged killer. The supporting cast, in particular Shelley Duvall as the wife, and Danny Lloyd as the 5 years old son, were also great but their characters were required to be less expressive and hence provided a more subtle but no less impressive performance.

The Shining is yet another example of the brilliance of Stanley Kubrick, and we are privileged to be able to enjoy the legacy of work by this master director. The new 4K restoration is the perfect version of this movie today and you should ideally get hold of this version and watch it on a big display screen in order to get the best experience.


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