Into the Dark: My Valentine (2020)

Into the Dark's episode for February is predictably Valentine's Day themed. However the link to Valentine's Day is only marginal as it refers to the name of one of the story's main character, a struggling pop singer named Valentine who is a splitting image and copy cat of a super star pop idol named Trezzure. The common link between the two is a eccentric boyfriend who supposedly had the charismatic power on both of them which resulted in their similar pop star "image".

The plot for this month's episode can probably be best described in one word - 'nonsense". As a result the entire episode is a train wreck with little or no sense, and with some of the worst acting I have ever seen in the series so far. While unknown director Maggie Levin appears to be enjoying herself without any restraint, the resulting chaos failed to make the movie any better, and rather ended up making the viewers suffer. There is absolutely nothing  about this episode that can be deemed as "entertaining" which is sad because the series had so much potential to become a "Black Mirror" type of anthology series. Alas, poor episodes like this are only making the series go down hill. Perhaps the only slight redeeming value can be credited to the few original pop songs that were being belted out by the main star. These were presented in a crazy psychedelic and cheesy pop video style but often seem to just go on and on without a care for how that would play into the rest of the story flow.

All in all, an episode best forgotten and missed.


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