Welcome to the Blumhouse: Black Box (2020)

Rating: ⭐⭐  

Welcome to the Blumhouse's second offering Black Box fares poorer than its predecessor The Lie. Black Box attempts to be different with an unusual story about a man recovering from a near death accident that affected his memory as he struggles to support his young daughter. However, its plot surprise and twists are pretty obvious which robs the viewers of a more satisfying experience. Mamoudou Athie is not a familiar face nor name in the industry but he gives a decent and sometimes emotional performance here as the man struggling to get his memory back and addressing the conflicts he feels along the way. I however, thought the young actress Amanda Christine who plays the young daughter was more effective and showed a great range of emotions effortlessly. The rest of the supporting characters did not stand out as they served little more than set decorations.

This is a straight forward competently made thriller but done in a conventional way with little or no surprises along the way to keep the viewer engaged. I would recommend to skip this and hopefully the remaining two entries in this Blumhouse series would fare better.


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